• +505 2278-1815 / +505 8850-7080
  • tecnitasa@tecnitasa.com.ni
  • About Us

    About us?

    TecniTasa Centroamérica, S.A. (TTCA) is a Nicaraguan valuation company, endorsed by the Superintendencia de Bancos y Otras Instituciones Financieras (SIBOIF) and founding member of the Cámara Nicaraguense de Valuadores (CANIV).

    TecniTasa Centroamérica, S.A. (TTCA) was founded in 1999 by a group of independent professionals, with extensive knowledge of the real estate, whose objective was and continues to be, to reorganize the model of centralized valuation companies and dependent on financial groups, to establish an Independent, Objective and Reliable company.

    Our vision

    To be the leading national company in Appraisals of Movable and Real Property and Real Estate Consulting Services through a team of multidisciplinary and ethical professionals, guaranteeing an agile and reliable service for our clients, complying with current regulations and based on criteria , principles and methods internationally

    Our mission

    The company's mission is “Serve with quality and added value, information on the
    value of things."


    Management Team

    Luis E. Sáenz Cordero

    Ingeniero Industrial – MBA NIPEV Nº 002

    General Manager

    Main Technicians

    Ramón E. González Téllez

    Engineer - NIPEV Nº 149

    Appraiser - Controller

    Adriana V. Torres Herrera

    Architect - NIPEV Nº 157


    Oscar E. Navas Real

    Engineer – NIPEV Nº 174

    Appraiser - Controller

    Francisco J. Barrera Garay

    Engineer - NIPEV Nº 004


    We know the value of things as a result of your trust!

    Commercial Alliances Phases of an Appraisal Social Responsability Request for Quotation